All News Stories
Sega Gameworks to Anchor Oklahoma Canal Site25 Jul, 2001
Sega Gameworks to Anchor Oklahoma Canal Site Sega Gameworks will anchor a planned entertainment and retail site on the middle segment of Oklahoma City's Bricktown Canal. [more information]
Highway Games
AAE2001 Official Report25 Jul, 2001
AAE2001 Official Report June Tan, Project Manager of Terrapin gives an official roundup of AAE2001, explaining that over 40% of visitors where from overseas (representing 50 different countries). [more information]
Highway Games
$100k Manufacturer Rep Wanted25 Jul, 2001
$100k Manufacturer Rep Wanted A US firm is looking for a sales professional with 3-5yrs experience in the amusement park/theme park industry (with background in selling). The firm manufacturers polyurethane products for amusement parks, citrus, mining and military sectors. [more information]
Highway Games
Open to Offers!23 Jul, 2001
Open to Offers! A manufacturer of slot machines in Australia has oversupply of monitors, chassis and touchscreens ranging from CGA to SVGA for use in slot or touchscreen machines. They are open to offers but more willing to accept one offer for the entire stock. [more information]
Highway Games
Win32 Sircam Virus Warning23 Jul, 2001
Win32 Sircam Virus Warning A new e-mail virus named "Win32 Sircam" has spread over the internet to become the leading problem virus. More than 50 emails we received today were from members with this virus attached (unknowingly). [more information]
Highway Games
Slot Tech Magazine to Sponsor Technical Seminar For Slot Machine Technicians23 Jul, 2001
Slot Tech Magazine to Sponsor Technical Seminar For Slot Machine Technicians Slot Tech Magazine has announced a technical training program for slot machine technicians, to be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, August 29th - 31st, 2001. The three day training program will feature factory representatives from some of the gaming industry's leading manufacturers. [more information]
Highway Games
AAE2001 & GTI Trade Show Roundup21 Jul, 2001
AAE2001 & GTI Trade Show Roundup Both AAE & GTI Trade Shows are well worth attending where operators can gather new ideas and information for the arcade, leisure and gaming industries. This year's shows revealed some good surprises. [more information]
Highway Games
Silverball Now Introduce Dating Section21 Jul, 2001
Silverball Now Introduce Dating Section Silverball machines which have access to the world wide web are now ready to offer real "Online-Dating". Already more than 9.000 people have registered, with the opportunity to search for a partner and chat online. [more information]
Highway Games
Sega moves Internet subscribers to Earthlink USA21 Jul, 2001
Sega moves Internet subscribers to Earthlink USA The Internet arm of video game company Sega Corp., announced on Friday that it will transfer subscribers of its Internet service provider (ISP) and gaming network, SegaNet, to EarthLink Inc. and open the online platform to all online game players. [more information]
Highway Games
China shuts Down 2,000 Net Cafes21 Jul, 2001
China shuts Down 2,000 Net Cafes China has shut down nearly 2,000 Internet cafes across the country and has ordered 6,000 to suspend operations and make changes, state media said on Friday. [more information]
Highway Games
NSM Trade Seminar for Australian Operators19 Jul, 2001
NSM Trade Seminar for Australian Operators George Campbell will present a special trade seminar for Australian operators to highlight the features of NSM's Remote Jukebox. The special presentation will be held next Friday 27th July, at the Carlton Crest Hotel, Melbourne. [more information]
Highway Games
Sega Europe Releases Monkey Ball17 Jul, 2001
Sega Europe Releases Monkey Ball Sega Amusements Europe Ltd have released Monkey Ball. A cute little monkey is trapped in a transparent ball with your job to guide the monkey through the 190 stages without falling over the edge. Sold as a dedicated or PCB Naomi I kit. [more information]
Highway Games
Video Gambling Ruling Hits Home17 Jul, 2001
Video Gambling Ruling Hits Home Tuscaloosa USA Law enforcement officials will meet with the Tuscaloosa County District Attorney's office soon to determine how to treat video poker and slot machines in the wake of a Jefferson County ruling that cleared the way for authorities there to shut them down. [more information]
Highway Games
New Features for Golden Tee Fore! 200217 Jul, 2001
New Features for Golden Tee Fore! 2002 New game play features have just been automatically delivered to online versions of Golden Tee Fore! 2002 machines. The new features were delivered through normal telephone lines during the machine's regularly scheduled call to ITNet. [more information]
Highway Games
An Interest Mix of New Products at Taiwan's GTI Expo 200114 Jul, 2001
An Interest Mix of New Products at Taiwan's GTI Expo 2001 Ranging from Dance/Music machines to upmarket gaming machines, this year's Taiwan's show definitely has something new for arcade and gaming operators. [more information]
Highway Games
Welcome to AAE2001 Hong Kong12 Jul, 2001
Welcome to AAE2001 Hong Kong Another very professionally organised Trade Show by the Terrapin team, AAE Hong Kong show has a very good blend of Amusement, Parks, and related businesses, with the main advantage in the excellent keynote speakers at the conferences. [more information]
Highway Games
Infogrames Releases Atari Anniversary Edition11 Jul, 2001
Infogrames Releases Atari Anniversary Edition Infogrames has released the Atari Anniversary Edition for PC and Dreamcast. This special one-disc, 12-game compilation is being released to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Atari. [more information]
Highway Games
Disney Pulls Plug on Video Arcade11 Jul, 2001
Disney Pulls Plug on Video Arcade Citing low attendance, The Walt Disney Company said Friday that it will close its DisneyQuest video arcade in Chicago on Sept. 4, ending an experiment in virtual reality games designed by its Burbank-based Imagineering unit. [more information]
Highway Games
ICE launches i-Gaming Zone11 Jul, 2001
ICE launches i-Gaming Zone Online gaming will be given a major platform at January's International Casino Exhibition (ICE). Launched as ‘Future Game' at ICE 2001, the area, which will be twice the size, has been rebranded as the ‘i-Gaming Zone'. [more information]
Highway Games
Club Kart Mini Soon to be Released in Europe09 Jul, 2001
Club Kart Mini Soon to be Released in Europe Following the sell out success of Club Kart DLX at the ATEI Sega Amusements Europe Ltd have now released this highly successful driving game in a smaller single sit down cabinet linkable up to 4 players. [more information]
Highway Games
UDV's Rumple Minze Schnapps Featured on Golden Tee Fore07 Jul, 2001
UDV's Rumple Minze Schnapps Featured on Golden Tee Fore Golden Tee Fore! players in the Midwest will have a chance to win more than just prize money starting July 6 when Incredible Technologies (IT) and United Distillers and Vintners (UDV) present Rumple Minze Weekends during monthly Golden Tee Fore! tournaments. [more information]
Highway Games
Big Four Agree Exhibition Alliance07 Jul, 2001
Big Four Agree Exhibition Alliance Four of the industry's leading business-to-business exhibition organisers have joined forces to form the ‘Global Leisure and Amusement Exhibition Alliance'. The big four – comprising AAMA, AMOA, ATE and IALEI. [more information]
Highway Games
New Games on Neo Geo System06 Jul, 2001
New Games on Neo Geo System UK Firm Vektorlogic has announced the development of both hardware (for software development companies) and software for the SNK Neo Geo system. The first game from Vektorlogic will be Neo Sparks; a puzzle-adventure game for up to 2 players simultaneously. [more information]
Highway Games
ATE Team Organises Record Charity Event05 Jul, 2001
ATE Team Organises Record Charity Event Amusement Trades Exhibitions (ATE) have been responsible for putting together an amusement industry golf tournament which raised nearly £25,000 ($US 35,000 / 42,000 euros) for charity. [more information]
Highway Games
Namco Classics Now on Japanese Mobile Phones05 Jul, 2001
Namco Classics Now on Japanese Mobile Phones Tekken, Galaxian & Pacman form some of the new games which were released today in Japan through the Ezplus system for Java phones. People pay a monthly fee and are able to download games onto their mobile phones. [more information]
Highway Games
Sega Options Crazy Taxi Movie Rights04 Jul, 2001
Sega Options Crazy Taxi Movie Rights Sega of America today announced that it has optioned the rights of its arcade and console hit "Crazy Taxi" to renowned producer-director Richard Donner, who will direct and produce the action film for a future summer release. [more information]
Highway Games
Namco Launches Tekken 403 Jul, 2001
Namco Launches Tekken 4 Namco Europe has announced the launch of Tekken 4, the eagerly awaited latest instalment of the Tekken fighting series. Tekken 4, makes its European debut at Namco's Open House on 10/11/12 July. [more information]
Highway Games
No gambling Fixes in Georgia, USA02 Jul, 2001
No gambling Fixes in Georgia, USA A year after South Carolina outlawed video poker, the Georgia legislature is considering the same thing - opponents of the games almost had them banned in March on the last day of the regular session, but were unable to get the vote through. [more information]
Highway Games
Slot Machines Must Attract Players30 Jun, 2001
Slot Machines Must Attract Players Casinos cannot rely on tried-and-true, mass-appeal slot machines to generate interest among the new breed of baby-boomer gamblers, according to a former Sega Pinball designer, Joe Kaminkow. [more information]
Highway Games
New Jersey To Strengthen Amusement Ride Standards30 Jun, 2001
New Jersey To Strengthen Amusement Ride Standards New Jersey could soon have the strongest carnival amusement ride safety laws in the USA. All that remains is for Acting Governor Don DeFrancesco to sign a bill given final legislative approval by the state senate. [more information]
Highway Games
Infogrames to Distribute Sega Home Software In Europe & Australia30 Jun, 2001
Infogrames to Distribute Sega Home Software In Europe & Australia Infogrames Entertainment SA said Thursday that it had won an exclusive agreement to distribute Sega Corp. games in Europe and Australia, in a deal the company estimated would add E100 million ($86.1 million) in annual sales over the next two years. [more information]
Highway Games
Latest Screen Shots of Virtua Fighter 428 Jun, 2001
Latest Screen Shots of Virtua Fighter 4 With thanks to Sega Europe, the latest pictures of Virtua Fighter 4 are now in our product section, showing new character Vanessa Lewis and Lei-Fei. [more information]
Highway Games
uWink Releases Going, Going, Gone!26 Jun, 2001
uWink Releases Going, Going, Gone! uWink Inc, today launched the first application of its Sports Club Network: Going, Going, Gone! uWink players and sports enthusiasts alike now have the ability to compete in fantasy sports leagues using the company's terminals. [more information]
Highway Games
Sega's "Crackin' DJ Part 2" is Scheduled For Release This Week26 Jun, 2001
Sega's "Crackin' DJ Part 2" is Scheduled For Release This Week With 22 new tunes added, turntables and cross faders, Sega's Crackin DJ is to be released through Japanese arcades this week. The new machine also adds new features such as tutorial mode and a super mode, for expert play. [more information]
Highway Games
Admissions to US Amusement Parks Continue to Rise, Even with All Time High Prices26 Jun, 2001
Admissions to US Amusement Parks Continue to Rise, Even with All Time High Prices Admission prices at many amusement parks have increased, but not enough to keep people away. The average admission price for an amusement park is at an all-time high of $40.23, a $3.20 increase from last year. [more information]
Highway Games
Atari Arcade Games to Reappear on Mobile Phones23 Jun, 2001
Atari Arcade Games to Reappear on Mobile Phones A UK company is planning to release mobile phone versions of 12 classic video games later this year. Mobile users could soon be playing classic arcade games such as Asteroids and Frogger on their phones by the start of next year. [more information]
Highway Games
Its Official, Midway Exits Coinop Industry23 Jun, 2001
Its Official, Midway Exits Coinop Industry With many rumours circulating the industry, it became official today that Midway will exit the coinop industry in order to focus its business exclusively on games for the rapidly growing home video-game market. [more information]
Highway Games
Sega to Venture Beyond Games21 Jun, 2001
Sega to Venture Beyond Games Sega said on Tuesday it would tap into nongaming fields and aim for $81.40 million (10 billion yen) in sales in 2004, as it seeks to boost profitability by leveraging its entertainment expertise. [more information]
Highway Games
Namco, Square, Enix ally on Online Games21 Jun, 2001
Namco, Square, Enix ally on Online Games Japanese videogame software makers Namco Ltd, Square Co Ltd and Enix Corp said on Monday they will team up in online games and overseas distribution in a bid to cut rising development costs. [more information]
Highway Games
Sponsor Lets Video Slot Machine Bill Die in his Ohio Senate Committee21 Jun, 2001
Sponsor Lets Video Slot Machine Bill Die in his Ohio Senate Committee A proposal to put video slot machines run by the Ohio Lottery at the state's seven struggling horse racing tracks died yesterday when members of the same committee planned to vote against proposal - the matter was adjourned without taking a vote. [more information]
Highway Games
'Tomb Raider' - Failed Translation of Video Games to Movies?20 Jun, 2001
'Tomb Raider' - Failed Translation of Video Games to Movies? <i>Lara Croft: Tomb Raider</i> is the latest computer-game movie that will have audiences wanting to reboot. For anyone who has been keeping score, this comes as no surprise - a report from Tom Maurstad, The Dallas Morning News. [more information]
Highway Games
Combined Euro-mode on Silverball19 Jun, 2001
Combined Euro-mode on Silverball The switching-over to the Euro comes fast and TAB is offering their customers Euro-mode: use both currencies on the Silverball during the transitional period (when both currencies are circulating). [more information]
Highway Games
Online Gaming - Is there a Problem?18 Jun, 2001
Online Gaming - Is there a Problem? "The average gambler in Australia loses about $600 a year and that is neither here nor there. But we do have a growing number of problem gamblers who on average, according to a Productivity Commission report in 1999, lose about $12,000 a year." - a full report by Senator John Tierney, Liberal Senator for New South Wales. [more information]
Highway Games
Big Top - Big Fun16 Jun, 2001
Big Top - Big Fun ELTON'S uniquely themed 'Circus Clowns' Derby has just been installed at Cirsa's new Big Fun FEC in Valencia, Spain. The 12 player Derby is prominently sited next to the Bowling Attraction. [more information]
Highway Games
UK's Weekly Lotteries Attract at Least 50% of Adults15 Jun, 2001
UK's Weekly Lotteries Attract at Least 50% of Adults The National Lottery has turned almost three quarters of British adults into hopeful gamblers, despite most admitting they hardly ever win a penny, reveals the biggest report on UK gambling. [more information]
Highway Games
Sega Europe Appoints New Head15 Jun, 2001
Sega Europe Appoints New Head As of June 11, Yoshio Sakai will be President and Chief Operating Officer of Sega Europe, the company announced today. Sakai will shortly be moving to London to take up the post at Sega's West London HQ. [more information]
Highway Games
Addicted gamblers Sue in Quebec, Canada15 Jun, 2001
Addicted gamblers Sue in Quebec, Canada A lawyer in Canada's Quebec City is launching a class action suit against the province's gambling monopoly for not warning players about the alleged dangers of its games. The case is thought to be the first class action suit of its type in the world. [more information]
Highway Games
"Game Over" for Warner Bros.15 Jun, 2001
"Game Over" for Warner Bros. Variety reports that Tim Hill and Michael Rubiner have sold their animated comedy pitch Game Over to the studio for a mid-six figure sum. Hill and Rubiner will write the story of a video game character who ventures into other games in search of a new life. [more information]
Highway Games
"The Italian Job© Does The Job For Maygay14 Jun, 2001
"The Italian Job© Does The Job For Maygay Maygay's latest AWP is setting an excellent record with over 1000 units sold to pub operators, the arcade sector and betting offices. Currently #1 in the AWP charts in the UK. [more information]
Highway Games
ICE 2002 83% Full13 Jun, 2001
ICE 2002 83% Full Demand for stand space at London's 2002 International Casino Exhibition (ICE) is running at an unprecedented level according to the latest figures released by the show organisers. [more information]
Highway Games