Contact Us

Australia Head Office
Address : 44 - 48 Maitland Road
Ground Floor (Entry via Myola)
Mayfield East, NSW, 2304

Phone : +61 249 689 313 (5 lines)
Fax : +61 249 689 314
Contact : Steve Josifovski
Email :

Australian office handles our worldwide sales inquiries relating to Arcade Machines and Video Converters.

In our office we have staff who can speak English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian, French, Japanese, Burmese and Singlish. We have over 2000 metres of warehousing and office and welcome your visit and call.

Hong Kong Office
Address : Unit E, 17th Floor, Skyline Tower,
18 Tong Mi Road,
Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Phone : +852 3595 2660
Fax : +852 3595 2855
Contact : Jeremy Choi
Email : sales at highwaygroup dot net

Our Hong Kong office handles all spare parts inquiries and sales, amusement machine reconditioning and collection. We welcome your visit, however for any machine purchases please discuss with our Australian sales team.

China Office
Address : Flat 101, No.183 Jin Tai Road
BaiYun District, GuangZhou City
China PRC

Phone : +86 189 2279 0712
Contact : Mr Lee
Email : lee at arcadespareparts dot com

China office works with a number of factories on custom designed projects (purpose built products). We consolidate machine and parts orders, inspect and handle quality control, and custom design machines, spare parts and video converter products.

Whilst we welcome your visit please coordinate with our Australia and Hong Kong offices for sales inquiries.

Payment Options

Please use the form below to send us any feedback, your inquiries or any errors you have noticed on the site.
